Faces Fascinate

Faces Fascinate

Posted by Robyn Wall on

After completing my last art challenge, I realized I am energetically passionate about portraiture.

To hone my skills and position myself as a portrait expert, my next art challenge will be The Portrait Project.

Portraits are an artistic way of representing people. It is the recording of an individual's appearance and personality, whether in a photograph, painting, sculpture, or any other medium. What makes portraiture so magical is its ability to depict not only the physical but also psychological characteristics of a figure.

One of the cherished members of my community suggested that these portraits should be of people who have influenced society in ways more meaningful than simply "being famous".

Of course, they're right. This idea resonated with me deeply and has helped me to become even more excited about The Portrait Project. 

So, I have compiled a variety of individuals, both dead and alive, fictional and nonfictional, and who have had a profound impact. This will help me demonstrate great range, maintain a level of passion throughout the project, and create portraits with a meaning behind them. 


This challenge will be similar to those of my past in that I will focus on one portrait a week for ten weeks and publish a blog post about the individuals influence and my experience every Friday. The goal of this project is also akin to the others in that I want to improve my skills and techniques and expand upon my style. 

However, I think that applying some rules will not only create a cohesive collection of portraits but also push me in my exploration by confining my reach.

First, I will limit the size of each piece to 10x14 inches. I'll be using Arches Hot Press paper for a high-quality, smooth finish to every piece.

Second, I will complete each portrait using either a monochrome or duochrome color pallet. I may paint the pieces in different colors so long as there are no more than two colors within the piece itself. 

Third, at least half of them will have irises and pupils to demonstrate my ability to step away from the ethereal technique and complete something even more realistic. 

Fourth, some will be traditional portraiture to expand my application techniques and increase my skill level. Others will be more creative or surreal to explore new styles and expressionism.

I am excited to dive into this challenge and see what I will create!

Which portrait week are you most looking forward to? Let me know in the comments! And make sure to sign up for my newsletter to get exclusive insights not available to the public. 

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