Witch Challenge: Tea

Witch Challenge: Tea

Posted by Robyn Wall on

Week Eleven
August 8th through the 14th

Have you ever gotten that feeling something big is about to happen? You don’t know what or when, but you can sense it coming. It is like a vibration in the air, a pulling at your soul. 

During this three-month challenge, I have felt excited about many pieces. But in a normal way, just that I know the piece will turn out well. And I had that at the beginning of this challenge. I knew the piece was going to be exceptional as I was collecting inspiration and sketching ideas. 

As I got further into this project, the buzzing started. There was something different about this piece. I could feel it. 

The goal of this challenge was to expand and explore my artistic style. I wanted to my norm and inspire myself to try new things, to see if there was anything different I could do, or if there are ways I could improve upon what I was already doing. So I have been doing a lot of thinking about what I like about certain pieces and what techniques and styles I don’t enjoy as much. 

You really have to be in tune with your intuition for this. Pay attention to the things you don’t see.

And this piece was one that snuck up behind me. I think it’s going to take over. 


This sketch of a three-armed Tea Witch had me enthralled. This. This is what I love doing: something weird and a little creepy, but exceptionally beautiful. 

Then my nerves took a look around and settled in. You see, I knew this piece needed to be larger than what I usually create, and more elaborate too. Which is not the kind of thing I am used to creating. Tedious details boar me and often lead to me abandoning a project. I wish it weren’t true, but there it is. 

So I was apprehensive. I did not want to let this phenomenal concept down. I wanted to rise to the challenge. But how…?

All you can do is take it one step at a time. 


Outlining the piece first, I had a little muse whisper in my ear to leave some edges open. I could not tell you why, but I am glad I listened. Even though it took all my strength not to outline the entire thing (perfectionist tendencies are BITCH).

During the aforementioned reflection of my style, I concluded that one thing I love about certain pieces in my body of work is the minimalist color pallet. Monochrome, bichrome, and trichrome pieces always pull my attention the most. I can't quite put my finger on why.


That is why I decided to abandon my skin tones practice and try for a grey scale Witch. 


Doing so set my soul on fire. I mean this in a good way. The buzzing intensified, and I knew I was getting closer to whatever big thing was coming for me. 


Working on the hair, it became apparent why I was meant to leave some openings in the outline. My favorite background style of soft, cloud-like magic was to become integrated with my subject. Almost as if she was dissolving into the magic or being formed from it. 

My skin was electric, my soul was singing, for I had discovered my authentic style. All the work I have done over the last year and specifically during this challenge was coming together.


Something truly magical was happening in my studio. It filled me with energy I could hardly contain, practically jumping up and down as this painting morphed into a masterpiece.


When I decided this would be completed with a minimal color pallet, I thought it would be bichromatic, using only bronze and black. Yet as I went to paint her skirt, I found myself reaching for blue. I paused to question this intuition. I almost stopped myself. There has been mention before about how I try to listen to my paintings, to when intuition pulls me to do something. So who was I to ignore it now?

And besides, the translucent green tea is practically perfection.

Now, I meant to take a picture of the piece after I was finished painting, but before I added the final touches. However, I was so overwhelmed with excitement to complete my Tea Witch that... I forgot….


Adding a pattern to the collar and cuffs of her shirt was a deeply personal choice. This kind of detail on a blouse has always been my favorite. All-over patterns can be a bit much, a bit in your face, but I just love the subtlety and placement of patterns like this.

My favorite part, though, are the white lines separating the distinct edges from the clouds of magic. It is another one of those things that... I can’t quite explain why I did it. I can not find a reason that would compel me other than to classify it as enchantment. 

I do not believe I will be able to part with this piece. Instead, I think I’ll be adding it to my personal collection, which is a rare thing for me to do. I am seeing prints in her future, though, what do you think?

In the spirit of transparency, I will be on vacation next week, so the last Witch Challenge will take place the following week, August 22nd through the 28th. I won't be making any blog posts while I am on vacation. Everyone have a wonderful week!

If you like this piece, sign up for my Collectors Coven so you can get early access to prints when they become available!

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